In collaboration with the National Agency for Grassroots Development Support (ANADEB) in Togo
, we have installed 10 flexi biogas units that will serve as a pilot project with the objective of replacing wood-fuel as a source of energy. The initiative is in effect steered by the National Health Insurance Institute ( INAM ).

In Togo and largely in Africa, women and children in rural areas walk for long distances in search of
#firewood, hauling the wood on foot, leaving little or no time for farming, child care and other responsibilities.
This biogas project contributes greatly to the conservation of the
Through this project, we provide a non-polluting, renewable and efficient source of energy, save the women and children from drudgery collection and carrying of firewood, exposures to smoke in the kitchen, time consumed for cooking and cleaning utensils and last but not the least, the Biogas system produces enriched organic manure which can replace chemical fertilizers, leading to improved farming yields and enhance Food Security measures for the households in Togo.
🌍 Here’s a map of the different locations we have installed the flexi biogas system in Togo and around the world.