we have spent over 15 years researching and considered all the aspects and inefficiencies associated with conventional systems constructed biogas technologies, and successfully innovated or re-invented a far more efficient system branded Flexi Biogas Technology – FlexiTech.
We have installed Flexi Biogas Technology ranging from domestic household flexi biogas systems, to commercial T-rex flexi biogas systems, Bio-sanitation human waste management systems -(BioSanGas), all over the world meeting different energy requirements for households, farms, institutions and markets and also managing the waste produced at source.
click on the link below to view some of the places we have installed Flexi technology.
Impressed by the technology. Can we discuss rehabilitation of my old system?
Thank you Kiambuthi for your enquiry, yes we can rehabilitate your old system, we have upgraded our Flexi biogas to suite different energy needs and requirements. Call us on +254722700530 or email biogasinternational@yahoo.com