This technology takes away the need for any form of construction.
Our systems are prefabricated and installation takes as few as three hours.
With our system, you do not need to own a cow. The systems runs on all biodegradable materials such as any animal dung, vegetable/kitchen waste, food waste, garden weeds, market waste.
A 20 Kgs bucket of any waste will produce all the cooking fuel necessary for the typical 6 – 8 member homestead.
This is made possible by the high level of efficiency associated with the technology where you only require 1/5th the feed-stock for the same daily gas production as conventional technologies.
LEARN more insights and scientific information about Flexi Biogas technology from our partners and publications.
1. UN’s body – International Fund for Agricultural Development – (IFAD) – https://www.ifad.org/en/web/knowledge/-/publication/flexi-biogas-systems-inexpensive-renewable-energy-for-developing-countri-1
2. Engineering for Change – https://www.engineeringforchange.org/solutions/product/flexi-biogas-bg5/
3. World Economic Forum – https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/08/kenyan-entrepreneur-hyacinth-sustainable-fuel-biomass/
4. Reuters – Kenyan Enterpreneur turns Water Hyacinth into Clean Cooking Fuel – https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/kenyan-entrepreneur-turns-water-hyacinth-weed-into-cooking-fuel-2021-07-27/
5. Centre For International Migration & Development (CIM) & KEDOVO e.V – https://www.kedovo.org/english/our-projects/flexi-biogas-energy-solutions/
6. CNN – Kenyan ‘devil cactus’ is spreading out of control – but tech is fighting back – https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/09/africa/kenya-devil-cactus-intl
7. The Guardian UK – https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/aug/27/kenya-water-hyacinth-wonder-source-biofuel
8. Waste Management World – https://waste-management-world.com/artikel/kenya-biogas-international-pioneers-biowaste-solution/
9. China Global Television Network – Africa – https://youtu.be/hYHfmgltDb8
10. Rural solutions Portal – https://ruralsolutionsportal.org/en/-/flexi-biogas
No Construction
Rich Organic Fertilizer
Anything Goes
Efficiency Unmatched
Quick Startup
Standard Model |
up to 6 | 6 m3 | Ksh. 85,000 |
USD. $800 |
XL Model |
up to 8 | 9 m3 | Ksh. 100,000 |
USD. $950 |
XXL model |
up to 18 |
12 m3 |
Ksh. 155,000 |
USD. $1,500 |
Biogas Pilot Project in Marsabit, Koor
flexi biogas helping families in Northern Kenya